Is a general term to describe a mental health problem in which a person has lost some contact with reality. There are severe disturbances in thinking, emotions and behavior.

Psychosis can severely disrupt ones personal life, relationships, work and other daily activities.

Types Of Psychotic Disorders

Schizoaffective Disorder

It is difficult to tell the difference between schizophrenia and bipolar disorder as person may have symptoms of both illnesses. A person with Schizoaffective disorder has symptoms of psychosis and depression but does not meet the criteria of bipolar disorder.



The disorder in which psychosis is most commonly a feature is schizophrenia. Symptoms include- Delusions, Hallucinations, Thinking difficulty, a loss of drive, blunted or inapropriate emotions and Social withdrawal or self isolation.


Bipolar Disorder with Psychosis

A person with psychotic depression will also experience delusions and hallucinations. Depression experienced by a person with bipolar disorder has some or all of symptoms of depression.

Drug-induced Psychosis

This is apsychosis that is caused by intoxication with drugs or withdrawal from drugs or alcohol. Symptoms appear quick and last a short time (few hours to few days) untill effect of drug wears off.

Symptoms of PSYCHOTIC Disorders For:

Bipolar disorder with Psychosis

  • Delusions
  • Halluccinations
  • Guilt
  • Belief of being very physically ill
  • deserving of punishment
  • Feeling of being constantly observed


  • Dellusions
  • Hallucciantions
  • thinking difficulty
  • Less of drive
  • Blunted of inappropriate emotions
  • Social withdrawal

Schizoaffective disorder

  • Delusions
  • Haluccinations
  • thinking difficulty
  • Less of drive
  • Blunted of inappropriate emotions
  • Social withdrawal

Drug induced Psychosis

  • Visual Halluccinations
  • Disorientation
  • Memory problems
  • Thinking difficulties
  • Blunted of inappropriate emotions

Common signs and symptoms when Psychosis is developing

Changes in emotions and motivation

Depression inappropriate emotion, anxiety, irritability, suspiciousness, reduced energy and motivation.

Changes in thinking and perception

Difficulty in concentration or paying attention, sense of alteration of thoughts (e.g. feeling that self or others have changed or are acting different).

Changes in behaviour

sleep disturbance, social isolation, or withdrawal, reduced ability to carry out daily tasks or social roles.

Causes of Psychotic Disorders

The following are the most significant causes for psychotic disorders


Having a close relative with schizophrenia

For someone with a parent or sibling with Schizophrenia there is a 10-15% risk one may develop schizophrenia. However there is an 85-90% chance that one may not develop it.


Urban Living

People who are born and brought up in urban areas have a higher risk than people from rural areas. Reasons for this can be social stressors, cannabis use or difference in health of mothers during pregnancy.


Cannabis use

Cannabis use during adolescence increases the risk of developing schizophrenia especially in people who have other risk factors.



Immigrants have increased risk of schizophrenia, due to social stressors, feeling like an outsider can be a factor.


Male Gender

Males are more likely to develop schizophrenia as opposed to females.


Social Stress

Social stress can trigger the onset of psychotic episodes.

Self Help

Avoid alcohol

Avoid use of alcohol and drugs.


Use of prescribed medication.


Seek professional help.


Avoid negative influences.


Try be active, exercise or do something you love.


Try spend time with people even though you feel irritated . Confide with a trusted friend or loved one. Avoid isolation.


Postpone and try not making important decisions like getting married or divorced or changing or quitting jobs.


Be patient, and expect your mood to improve gradually, not immediately.

How To Help Others

When you find someone you know or is close to you experiencing depression, the three most important things that you can offer them is love, support and a gentle but firm push towards proper professional help.

  • Arrange for hospitalisation if they are experiencing suicidal tendencies, hallucinations or delusions
  • Speak to them, let them express and listen carefully
  • Tell the person that it is a good idea to seek help, and also explain to them how it can be beneficial. It is advisable to convince the person to take an appointment with a professional and also offer to accompany them
  • Show emotional support, understanding, patience and encouragement
  • Never dismiss their feelings or undermine their pain
  • Do not be tough on your loved one, support them through the rough patch
  • Accompany them to the therapist if they ask you to
  • Don’t give up on the person — they might need to hear repeatedly from several people around them that they deserve to feel better
  • Never ignore references to suicide. Report them to your loved one’s therapist
  • Convince them to avail of professional assistance