What is Mental Health

There are different terms in defining mental health.
WHO (World Health Organization) define it as “A state of well-being in which individuals realise his or her own abilities, can cope with normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to his or her community”.

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Understand Mental Health

Mental health concerns are some of the most misunderstood conditions in our times. Not only are they feared by societies, but the stigma has also led to a lack of knowledge and understanding about these issues. Mind Matters Foundation focuses on 4 types of mental health concerns-

Stress icon mind matters


Linked to diabetes, heart disease, and practically every mental health condition, stress is not to be taken lightly. But with knowledge and a few lifestyle changes, it can be helped.

Anxiety icon mind matters


Anxiety is a general term for several disorders that cause nervousness, fear and worry. Severe anxiety can be extremely debilitating, and have a serious impact on daily life.

Depression icon mind matters


Depression is one of the most disabling disorders in the world. Yet, with the right action and knowledge it can be managed and treated.

Psychosis icon mind matters


Psychosis is a general term to describe mental disorder in which thought and emotions are so impaired that contact is lost with external reality. However, this can be treated with professional help and the right medication.

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Taking care of a person who is going through stress, anxiety or depression requires a lot of understanding and love on your part, but more importantly the right information. Sometimes, even enthusiasm and love, can prove hostile, intrusive and counterproductive. It’s important to bear in mind that the best thing you can give them is your patience and acceptance of the situation. Know how you can care for them with the right kind of help.

How Can One Prepare Before They Offer Care

If a friend or a family member is undergoing stress/ depression/anxiety or psychosis, and you want to support them through this, here are few pointers on things you must do before attending to care for them.

Do Research

There is a wide range of platforms where information is available- websites, articles on the internet that will help you understand what a person is experiencing. You can read up on symptoms and causes to narrow down on what one if facing in terms of mental health issues.

Take Notes

It is important to observe and take note of a person’s behaviour, daily routine and activities. This will help identify the symptoms, causes and behavioural patterns to understand better what the individual is going through. Remember to do it in an un-obvious and un-intrusive way.

Talk to a Therapist

Sometimes complex conditions have varied symptoms and it may be hard to find out what exactly is wrong. symptoms of the mind may be a combination of two or more conditions. It is advised to see a therapist and explain the behaviour and symptoms before you start to attend to that person.

Manage Time and Work

If you decided to be involved directly, it may have adverse effects on you as well. So dealing with two stressful situations may not be good. It is recommended to reduce work hours to to reduce the stress on yourself and direct the time and energy to the individual.

Manage Finances

When caring for a person who is battling through such problems one might have to assist in paying for visits to therapist and medications. So it is ideal to budget for this to to avoid any financial difficulties.

How Can One Make Them Feel Better

It is quite a challenge to care for a person who is low and down for the most of the time. However consider it a gift that you can play this role in understanding what your friend of family is going through, show some empathy, patience and the willingness to help.Here are a few tips that will make it easier for you and the person you are caring for.

Understand The Person

What one is going through cannot be quantified or categorised. Getting upset might seem to be an easier way to deal with the pressure, but always remember that the person you are caring for cannot function or think the way you do. Suppression of how they feel may come out in forms of anger and outbursts. A tip- if something you did or said caused some kind of tension between you two, try to rephrase or explain it in a calm way.

Be Patient

Thinking of the person as a knotted mind undoing it will take time and patience.it is no something that can just be sorted with just medication; it might require therapy, medication or even a combination of both. Whatever it is, it will still take time.


Caring for someone facing difficult situations requires constant motivation for even the smallest things every step of the way. There may be certain everyday activities that they might not like or be able to perform with full capacity, it’s your motivation that will play a key role in urging them to complete such tasks.

Have Confidence

You can loose confidence and faith and force you to give up due to lack of results despite countless trials.It is important to remember that it can be a difficult experience for the people you are caring for as they are already comfortable with your care. So be confident and do not give up.

Give Time Outs

Giving time to your self is also important as being around the individual constantly doesn’t help. You need to decide on how much time the one you’re tending to needs to spend alone. Although being solitary all the time might not be good for him/ her.

Mental Health At School Program

Understanding mental health and mental illness. There are others who have the same questions, concerns & doubts.